Balancing non-inverting opamp gain to minimize distortion

  • The Experiment

  • Here is a common dual opamp configuration:

    U1A is an attenuator configuration while U1B is a positive gain configuration. Here R3 is just a resistor to ground, but in practice R3 might represent a sub-circuit consisting of an active filter.

    What is the relationship between the two opamps regarding their gain and distortion levels?

  • Gain Calculations
  • The formula for U1A gain is a simple voltage divider:

    {\large \frac{R3}{(R1 + R3)} }

    The formula for U1B gain is the standard non-inverting gain formula

    {\large \frac{R2}{R3} } + 1

    For example, take the following resistor values:

    R1 = 2.7K\Omega
    R2 = 2.7K\Omega
    R3 = 10K\Omega

    Then the gain of the individual opamps can be caluclated:

    {\small U1A} = {\large\frac{10000}{(2700+ 10000)} } = 0.79

    {\small U1B} = {\large\frac{2700}{10000} } + 1 = 1.27

    The final output gain of the series opamps can be found with the product of the U1A attenuation and U1B gain factors:

    0.79 \cdot 1.27 = 1

  • The Results
  • Assuming that series resistor R1 and feedback resistor R2 are equal then the final gain – the product of U1A and U1B gain – will always equal unity:

    R1 R3 U1A Gain R2 R3 U1B Gain Output Gain
    2700 1000 0.27 2700 1000 3.70 1
    2700 4700 0.64 2700 4700 1.57 1
    2700 10000 0.79 2700 10000 1.27 1
    2700 47000 0.95 2700 47000 1.06 1
    2700 100000 0.97 2700 100000 1.03 1
  • The Conclusion
  • Note that a lower value of R3 will increase signal attenuation in U1A which will in turn require a higher gain in U1B to compensate.

    Higher gain will cause higher distortion in the form of increased noise floor. Therefore, care should be taken to choose a suitably high value of R3 so that distortion requirements can be met.

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